The cream Chantilly _ Sofrat hadhramia

The cream Chantilly


🔹Two cups of sugar.

🔹Three egg whites.

🔹A pinch of salt.

🔹A teaspoon of each:




🔹Place: egg whites, salt, lemon juice, milk, and vanilla in a deep bowl.

 🔹Mix the ingredients together using an electric mixer.

 🔹Continue whisking the ingredients until the mixture becomes thick and creamy.

 🔹Use cream with all kinds of desserts.

 Cream chantilly powder


 🔹A cup of heavy cream.

 🔹Two to four tablespoons of sugar.

 🔹A teaspoon of vanilla.


 🔹Place the heavy cream in the bowl of an electric mixer.

 🔹Mix the cream well until it becomes fluffy and fluffy.

 🔹Add sugar and vanilla, then mix the cream with the beater attached.

 🔹Spread the cream onto a cold pie, or use it with pudding or any other type of frosting.

 Chantilly cream with gelatin


 🔹Two hundred milliliters of each:

 🔹Melted chocolate.

 🔹Four sheets of gelatin.

 🔹Seven hundred milliliters of whipping cream.

 🔹Eighty grams of sifted fine sugar.

 🔹Chopped chocolate, for decoration.


 🔹Soften the gelatin with a little cold water, and leave it until it dissolves.

 🔹Place two hundred milliliters of fresh cream in a saucepan.

 🔹Place the pot on the fire until the cream is hot, but not boiling.

 🔹Remove the pot from the heat, then add the gelatin.

 🔹Place the seven hundred milliliters of cream, vanilla, and fine sugar in a deep bowl.

 🔹Whisk the ingredients well until combined.

 🔹Use a wide plastic spoon and add the first cream with gelatin to the bowl of the second cream, whipped with sugar.

 🔹Divide the cream into two parts, then add the melted cream to the first part.

 🔹Fill the cake with cream or decorate the cake with it.

Cream Chantilly with chocolate


 🔹Two cups of heavy cream .

 🔹A cup of chocolate.


 🔹Place both: heavy cream in a small sauce pan.

 🔹Place the pot on medium heat until the mixture boils.

 🔹Remove the pot from the heat, then mix the chocolate with the cream until the mixture is smooth.

 🔹Place the mixture in the bowl of an electric mixer, then place the bowl in the refrigerator until the mixture cools.

 🔹Mix the ingredients well until they become creamy and smooth by blender.
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