Palestinian olive pressing (Pickled Olive ) _ Sofrat hadhramia


Olive is evergreen trees that bloom in the spring and their fruits are harvested in early winter after the first winter has passed, when they become ready and ripe for pressing. This time of year is the time known to all farmers, as they prepare to pick the fruits ahead of time by placing sheets and awnings under each olive tree to facilitate the process of collecting the crop and not scattering it on the ground and losing it.

Olive is used to manufacture the best types of oils in the world, due to their many benefits, antioxidants and rare therapeutic properties, not to mention that they are one of the oils that do not contain fats and are 100% natural, as they are recommended for preparing all types of dishes.

Olive is also prepared as a type of appetizer that cannot be dispensed with on the Arab table, due to the distinctive taste of olives that stimulates the appetite. Olives can be pressed in several ways, and today we present to you, madam, the original method of pressing Palestinian olives.

Palestinian olive pressing


🔹Four kilograms of green olives, you can choose your favorite type, as there are rain-fed and local olives.

🔹Three kilograms of lemons.

🔹A cup of olive oil.

🔹Half a kilogram of hot pepper.

🔹Five spoons of turmeric.

🔹A kilogram of salt.

💠How to press olives

🔹Prepare the olives and open each olive by making a longitudinal slit along the entire olive, and you can use the electric press.

🔹prepare the olives and then wash them several times.

🔹The olives are soaked in water for a week, changing it every day in the morning and evening, until the bitter taste is completely eliminated.

🔹Then prepare the olives after draining them from the water, then add water and salt to them for another two days, changing it in the morning and evening.

🔹Prepare the container designated for pressing olives, and it is preferable that it has a tight lid.

🔹Prepare the lemons and then squeeze a liter of natural lemon and cut the rest into thin slices.

🔹Cut the hot pepper into rings.

🔹Put half the amount of olives in the bowl, then add lemon slices, pepper and a little oil, then add all the olives and add lemon slices, pepper, all the lemon juice and oil.

🔹It is preferable to press the olives in a dark-colored bowl because they are affected by light.

🔹Prepare the water, then put it on the fire until it becomes warm, add salt and turmeric to the water and stir until the salt dissolves.

🔹Put the entire amount on top of the olives and cover the face with lemon slices and pepper, close the bowl tightly and leave it in a warm place away from light for twenty days to a month until it ripens.

🔹After the olives are ripe, it is preferable to pour quantities into small containers to protect them from contamination.

Green Olives with Carrots


🔹A kilo of green olives.

🔹Half a kilo of lemons.

🔹Half a kilo of carrots.

🔹A quarter kilo of hot peppers.

🔹A cup and a quarter of salt (you may need more, depending on your preference).

🔹Half a cup of white vinegar.

🔹Lemon juice.


🔹Olive oil.


🔹Wash the olives well and leave them to dry.

🔹Press the olives using the bottom of a cup.

🔹Grate the carrots and cut the lemons into eight quarters, keeping five lemons for squeezing.

🔹Cut the hot peppers into thin slices.

🔹Mix the olives with the carrots and hot peppers, and put them in the jars.

🔹Make a saline solution by dissolving cup of water with ten tablespoons of salt, then add half a cup of lemon juice and half a cup of vinegar.

🔹Put the previous mixture on the olives, leaving about 5 cm at the mouth of the jar, and fill it with olive oil so that it fills and covers this space.

🔹Taste the pickle after a week, and serve it.
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