Mashed potatoes | Sofrat hadhramia

Mashed potatoes are a staple dish for many people. They are served on many occasions, and can be served as is or with meat and cheese added to make it a hearty dish. Some people fry them after boiling them to get golden pieces of potatoes, so learn with us how to make mashed potatoes   Mashed Potatoes with cream  💠 Ingredients: Five peeled potatoes. Half a tablespoon of salt. Half a teaspoon of black pepper. A teaspoon of milk. Two tablespoons of butter Four

Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are a staple dish for many people. They are served on many occasions, and can be served as is or with meat and cheese added to make it a hearty dish. Some people fry them after boiling them to get golden pieces of potatoes, so learn with us how to make mashed potatoes

Mashed Potatoes with cream

💠 Ingredients:
  • Five peeled potatoes.
  • Half a tablespoon of salt.
  • Half a teaspoon of black pepper.
  • A teaspoon of milk.
  • Two tablespoons of butter
  • Four tablespoons of cream.
💠 How to prepare:
  • Put the potatoes with half a tablespoon of salt in a suitable pot filled with water, and leave it until it boils well and the potatoes are cooked.
  • Melt the butter and cream together in another bowl, and leave it aside until used.
  • Drain the potatoes from the water, then put them in a medium-sized pot, add the butter mixture, and start mashing them well while mixing.
  • Add the milk to the mashed potatoes while continuing to mash and stir until you get a thick mixture as desired.
  • Add a little black pepper and salt.

Mashed Potatoes with Yogurt

💠 Ingredients:
  • Five medium potatoes.
  • 350 grams of yogurt.
  • A teaspoon of salt.
  • A teaspoon of black pepper.
  • A teaspoon of cumin.
💠 How to prepare:
  • Boil the potatoes in a pot over medium heat, and wait until they are well cooked.
  • Peel the potatoes and mash them well, then add all the ingredients and mix them together until we get mashed potatoes that are well mixed.
  • Place the mashed potatoes in a serving dish.

Mashed potato balls with eggs

💠 Ingredients:
  • Three boiled potatoes.
  • Three eggs.
  • A clove of garlic.
  • Black pepper and salt to taste.
  • A small amount of chopped parsley.
  • Vegetable oil for frying.

💠 Preparation method:
  • Peel the potatoes and cut them into medium-sized cubes, then boil them in boiling water.
  • After boiling the potatoes, put them in a bowl and mash them well.
  • Add the eggs with parsley, salt, and black pepper to the mashed potato mixture, and mix them together well.
  • Shape the mixture into small balls, then fry them in hot oil over medium heat.
  • Put the potato balls in serving dishes, with appetizers and ketchup, or even with lunch or dinner meals.

Mashed Potatoes with Cheese

💠 Ingredients:
  • Four large potatoes.
  • Four tablespoons of liquid cream.
  • One tablespoon of milk.
  • Two tablespoons of butter.
  • A cup of grated cheddar cheese.
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.
  • Two tablespoons of chopped green onions.
  • Two tablespoons of green basil paste.
  • Two tablespoons of crushed mustard seeds.
💠 How to prepare:
  • Boil the potatoes in a pot filled with water over low heat with half a tablespoon of salt.
  • When the water boils on the potatoes, lower the heat and leave them for a quarter or a third of an hour until the potatoes are cooked.
  • Drain them from the water and peel them well.
  • Put the potatoes in a medium-sized bowl and mash them well by adding salt, pepper and butter, mixing and mashing well.
  • Add milk, cheese, and cream to the potato mixture, and stir until you get a consistent potato mixture.
To get new flavors for mashed potatoes, divide them into four plates as follows:
  • Add basil paste to the first plate and mix well.
  • The second plate, crushed mustard and mix.
  • The third plate, chopped onions and stir well.
  • The fourth plate remains with the cheese flavor.
Note: You can put the potatoes in the oven for half an hour to get soft roasted potatoes.

How to make mashed potatoes with spices

💠 Ingredients:
  • Two potatoes.
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.
  • A teaspoon of ground cumin.
  • A teaspoon of ground coriander.
  • A teaspoon of curry spices.
  • Four loaves of ground French bread.
  • Two eggs.
  • A tablespoon of powdered milk.
  • A little flour.
  • Vegetable oil, for frying.

💠 How to prepare:
  • Boil the potatoes for two minutes in boiling water over medium heat, and in the meantime mix half the amount of spices, salt, and curry with the crumbled bread.
  • Drain and dry the potatoes, add the rest of the spices, and dip them in flour, then with the egg and milk mixture.
  • Cover the potatoes with breadcrumbs, place them arranged on a baking tray, and put them in the refrigerator for a period of no less than four hours.
  • Remove them from the refrigerator after that period and start frying them in vegetable oil, arrange the potatoes after frying in another tray, then put them in the oven until they get crispy.

Mashed potatoes with minced meat

💠 Ingredients:
  • Six medium-sized potatoes.
  • A can of cream.
  • 250 grams of minced meat.
  • A medium-sized onion, chopped.
  • Half a cup of mozzarella cheese.
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.
  • A tablespoon of ketchup.
  • A tablespoon of soy sauce.
  • Mushrooms to taste.
  • Green pepper to taste.
💠 How to prepare:
  • Boil the potatoes, then mash them in a suitable bowl, add a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of cream.
  • Spread the mashed potatoes in a special oven dish or in a suitable tray.
  • Fry the onions with a little vegetable oil, add the mushrooms and pepper, then add the minced meat, the rest of the cream, black pepper, salt, soy sauce, and ketchup.
  • Spread it on the potato tray after finishing the filling, sprinkle it with cheese, then put it in the oven until the cheese melts.

Mashed potatoes with garlic

💠 Ingredients:
  • Five potatoes.
  • Three cloves of garlic.
  • Three quarters of a cup of warm liquid milk.
  • Three tablespoons of butter.
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.
💠 How to prepare:
  • Cut the potatoes into small or medium-sized cubes, then boil them with garlic in boiling water until the potatoes are cooked.
  • Drain the potatoes from the water after they are cooked, and mash them with garlic in a suitable bowl.
  • Add the milk, butter, salt, and black pepper to the mashed potatoes.
  • Mix the potato mixture well until you get consistent mashed potatoes.

Seasoning Potato

💠 Ingredients:
  • Two boiled potatoes.
  • 1 tablespoon of tahini.
  • 2 cloves of garlic.
  • 2 tablespoons of yogurt.
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice.
  • Salt and black pepper to taste.
💠 How to prepare:
  • Put the hot potatoes in a blender with all the ingredients, and mix them together until you get a smooth mixture.
  • Put the smooth mixture in serving dishes, and decorate it with chopped parsley, olive oil, etc.
  • Serve it with grilled meals.
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